Powerful Life Lessons
Q12: Release The Pressure

Can you release the pressure and enjoy what you’re doing more?


I’ve recently become aware that I’m in a near constant state of “getting stuff done quickly and efficiently“…

And although this sounds like a good thing, and sometimes it is…

I’ve noticed that I’m doing it when I don’t need to… when I could be enjoying myself more, savouring the moment, smelling the roses, as they say.

Cutting The Veggies!

One example for me is…

In the last year or so, I’ve taken over the cooking in the house, and this means cutting and preparing the food to cook, which in my “got to do things efficiently and to the best of my ability” mindset was a task to master and prevail at the top of the class!

As efficiency was my focus, it slowly became something I was more and more reluctant to do.

Take The Pressure Off And Enjoy It

But then I realised that I actually enjoyed my time cutting vegetables and if I just slowed myself down a touch, took off the pressure, it became something I wanted to do.

I know, it sounds strange to enjoy cutting veggies, but there’s something about being present in a simple task, the rhythm of the action… it is almost relaxing!

Right Time, Right Approach

I’m not saying to go slow and take the pressure off in all situations, because some situations call for full force action.

I’m talking about those times that don’t… with family and friends, doing our hobbies, working around the house, activities on vacation.

And there are even times at work, when releasing a little pressure, enjoying the task a little more, can change your state and bring about even better results.

Add A New Gear

Maybe you, like me, have become stuck in one gear and now it’s time to recognise that and learn to be able to switch gears when it suits you

To take the foot off the gas and enjoy the ride, rather than being blinkered, with a narrowed focus on trying to get somewhere, fast and efficiently all the time!

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