Powerful Life Lessons
Q15: Sticking To New Habits

Which habits are you strengthening?


Today I’m going to start with a quote. In 1910, Orison Marden wrote:

The beginning of a habit is like an invisible thread, but every time we repeat the act we strengthen the strand, add to it another filament, until it becomes a great cable and binds us irrevocably, thought and act.


This idea that each time we repeat a behaviour, we make it easier to do that behaviour again is a powerful concept to know.

The Path Through The Forest

One of my favourite metaphors for this is the path.

Starting a new habit is like forging a new path through the forest.

No path exists.

It’s overgrown with vegetation.

So, the first time you do it, it’s difficult. You have to cut your way through, beat a new pathway.

But the next time is easier. And each time after that easier still.

Until, after not too long, the path is well worn. The grass is gone from the path, it has been worn down to the earth… it’s easy to follow.

The same metaphor applies for stopping a habit you no longer want.

As you stop using the path through the forest, it starts to grow over again.

Without use, the grass grows over, the vegetation returns and the forest takes the pathway back.

Each time you resist doing the behaviour you want to stop, it becomes easier to not do it the next time, until one day, it simply does not occur to you as a path to take.

This Idea Kept Me Strong

Over the years, I’ve found this very encouraging when either starting a new positive habit or quitting an old negative habit.

In the moment of decision to do or not do, this idea has encouraged me to stick to my decision in the knowledge that with every effort it’s getting easier and easier.

I am being rewarded for my commitment.

Scientifically-Based, Too!

It also helps that this idea is backed up by science.

And although I am no expert in this side of it, my understanding is that we do actually have pathways in the brain!

Each time we repeat a behaviour the neurological connections that form a pathway in the brain actually do become stronger, and without use, become weaker.

So, next time you want to change your behaviour, be encouraged to stick with your decision, knowing that with each effort you’re making progress!

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