Powerful Life Lessons
Q17: Time For An Improvement

Is there a better way?


Ok, today’s question is a simple, but important one. It’s a call for improvement.

We’re all busy people, focussed on many things during our days and we have to let some things just keep doing what they’re doing.

We don’t have the time or bandwidth to attend to everything.

So, today I would like you to STOP… and pick something that’s important to you…

It could be your life as a whole, your career, a relationship, some area of work, maybe a task you do often or situation you find yourself in frequently… whatever it is, ask yourself:

Is there a better way?


The Creative Process

By asking a question you’ve started the creative process.

Now I am a great believer in allowing the answers to come rather than forcing or trying to figure it out.

I regularly ask my mind a question and wait for an answer.

So, don’t be in a hurry to generate the answers or solutions.

Just wait and see what comes to mind.

Sometimes ideas come straight away, sometimes they will appear later when you are least expecting them.

Take The Time

Yes, this is a simple process, but unless we take the time to focus on something and ask this question, we just keep doing what we are doing, over and over again.

So, what in your life could benefit from you taking a few minutes and focussing your creativity on it?

Please share…

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