Powerful Life Lessons
Q19: Make Your Day Great

What’s the one thing you can do that will make your day?


Well, this is a fun one!

Let’s take a few minutes right now to consider this.

What will make your day today?

For me…

  • I could buy my favourite meal for dinner…
  • I could watch a great movie with my son…
  • I could go and play golf
  • I could go for a walk in the park with my wife…
  • I could knuckle down and complete an important project that I am excited to get done…
  • I could clear my inbox down to zero…
  • I could call my mum or dad who live in England and catch up…
  • I could once and for all begin the piano lessons I’ve been meaning to start for years…

There are so many things you can do… It can be something just for the fun of it, or to achieve something important, or to make a connection with someone you care about… it depends what’s important to you and what brings you happiness.

So, ask the question, let the creative juices flow and choose something that will really make your day!

Please share…

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