Powerful Life Lessons
Q20: The Gold Is In The Silver Lining

If every cloud has a silver lining, what’s this one?


Does every cloud have a silver lining?

Well, when I look back on my life, with all of it’s ups and downs, I can take the view that everything that’s happened, both good and bad, has shaped me to be the person I am today.

I could even say that the so called “bad” times were even more impactful as they’ve helped me to see how I respond to those situations, they’ve made me dig deep and tap otherwise unused or unknown strengths, and in some cases highlighted weakness that I later improved…

They’ve helped me gain a deeper understanding of myself, what I want and don’t want, what’s important to me, what I will stand for and what I will not…

They’ve helped me to know what I can take, and that what I can take is more than I expected, and this has given me a greater sense of resilience that I now bring to my life and its challenges.

Even the worst experiences I’ve had could be seen to give me something, or lead to something positive.


Of course, they were painful at the time… and from within that pain it’s difficult to see the positives

  • When you’re in the midst of a painful breakup, it’s difficult to see that this will help you relate better in the future, to choose a more suitable partner, or to respect yourself more…
  • When you’ve failed at work, it can be difficult to see that this will provide the motivation you’ve been missing to finally push you over the top to the level of success you know you’ve always be able to achieve…
  • When you’ve lost your job or been forced to stay home, it’s difficult to see that this is the time you needed to dig deep inside and discover what you truly want to do with your life and dedicate yourself to a new direction…
I Wouldn’t Change A Thing

When time has passed and you look back… and you can really see how you’ve been impacted by the events of your life, you would hopefully say, “I wouldn’t change a thing…”

And if you would, then maybe, just maybe, there’s still some hidden lessons for you to learn that would serve you greatly.

There Is Always A Silver Lining

So, when you’re in the midst of a painful time in your life, just know that there is a silver lining… something positive for you to receive from this experience that’s yours for the taking… you just need the eyes and the willingness to see it.

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