Powerful Life Lessons
Q22: How To Feel Happy Now

What was happening the last time you felt really happy?


Have you noticed that when you recount a story to a friend you begin to feel the same way you did during the time you’re describing?

When we remember an event we can access the same feelings we felt back then.

Knowing this gives us a useful method that we can use to change our emotional state whenever we want.

There are many times when we want to change how we feel, just to feel better, when we feel out of sorts, down, stressed, even just bored.

We find ways to change how we feel…

We can do this by eating something tasty, having a drink, watching TV, exercising, and many other ways… and although some are ok, some are not so good for us in the long run.

If you really observed yourself you would be impressed at how many things you do, and how many times a day you do them, simply to change the way you feel.

The benefits of this method are that…

  1. It’s almost instant;
  2. It requires nothing to do it, like drink or food, and;
  3. It has no negative side effects, like getting overweight or hungover!
The Method

So, the method is easy…

Just answer the question:

What was happening the last time you felt really happy?


And describe what happened as if you were talking to a friend.

That’s it! Simple.

Two pro tips…

The more detail you describe, the further you’ll get involved in the event, the more feeling you’ll experience.

Secondly, make sure, when you’re imagining the event, that you’re looking through your own eyes in the event rather than seeing yourself in the event.

If you’re seeing yourself, you’re out of your body and the feelings are much less, so to increase your experience, step into your body in the event and describe it from this perspective, looking through your eyes.

And there it is… a simple method that you can use to feel good when ever you want!

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