Powerful Life Lessons
Q24: Happiness Is Acceptance

What if you accept life as it is?


I’ve often pondered the difference between people who are happy and people who are not, and although there are many differences, if I had to choose only one thing, it would be acceptance.

You see, when something happens and it doesn’t match what we want, we normally don’t accept it, we fight against it, we say “no, it should not be like that”, when, unfortunately it already is.

We cry over spilt milk and it’s painful.

In my experience we do this much more often than we realise!

Just take a look for yourself.

How many things during your day are you fighting against, wishing they were not how they are, not accepting what has already happened, not accepting the way life is?

We react to so many things…

  • My hair didn’t go right this morning.
  • I burnt my toast!
  • I was interrupted at work and didn’t accomplish what I had planned for today.
  • That person cut me off in their car.
  • This person is driving too slow in front of me.
  • My clothes don’t fit.
  • I’m not making the money I want.
  • It’s raining.
  • The list goes on and on!

And when we do this, piece by piece, it takes us away from a state of contentment and happiness…

And worse, it can become a habit…

It can become our way of responding to the world, and then a sense that life is not fair or not right, becomes the atmosphere we live our lives in.

Acceptance is a powerful thing

There’s something beautiful, calming, even healing, when we accept something for what it is… a person, a situation, a result, ourselves.

You know for yourself that feeling when you’ve not accepted something and then you have… it lets a weight off you, you feel lighter, freer and happier.

When I’ve seen people who live in this way, I’ve been envious of how things don’t get to them, how things wash off them like water off a ducks back, how they flow through life keeping themselves in good spirits.

Make Peace, not war

Now, of course, things happen and we don’t like that they did.

I’m not saying you will like it, but rather than fighting against something that has already happened, I’m suggesting you would feel significantly better if you were to accept that it has happened.

Make peace, rather than war, with it and you will feel better.


And I’m not saying to be passive.

Of course, take action to get what you want, but there’s a difference when you first accept that something has happened and it’s done, and from that improved state of mind you take action.

You feel more resourceful, less of a victim of your circumstances, more empowered, and this helps you to take productive action, if action is required.

Be Happy

So, the next time you’re fighting against what is, why not try it for yourself… accept life as it is, not as you want it to be, make peace and let the weight off, be free and be happy.

Please share…

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