Powerful Life Lessons
Q3: Change Your Room, Change Your Mind

If the organised state of your living space is a reflection of the state of your mind, what does your room say about you?


Now I’ve been told many times before that my outer space is a reflection, a mirror, of my inner space… that the mess in my room was an indication of a mess in my head… but it wasn’t something that really clicked for me.

Then one day, my son had used my suit and it was dirty, so I’d decided to get it dry cleaned at the shop, but was not going to do it right then, so I put the suit on the arm chair in my office as something to do later…

As I did this I realised there were many other things in my office that were “things to do later”, that I’d made the same decision inside for those things, and there was the “reflection” on the outside, in my space.

The inner thought/feeling of “I don’t want to do it now, I have so much on my mind, I’ll take care of it later”, I could now see mirrored in my office!

I had placed those things out there for an inner reason.

BANG it hit me

As I looked around my office I realised that every book, ornament, paper, bag, box, I had placed there.

Every decoration, the wallpaper, curtains, pictures on the wall… I had decided on. My outer space was a reflection of my inner space!

So, what did the organised state of my living space say about me?!

I realised that I felt overwhelmed by my things to do, that I left things around to do later because I could not face them now… that they were piling up in my mind and literally piling up in my office and that just had me feel even more overwhelmed.

One thing per day

So, I decided to take one piece per day and actually do it.

As the days went on, and my office became cleared of these things that were demanding my attention, demanding me to do something, I began to feel each day a bit better… and as my space became clearer, my mind became clearer. The direct relationship meant that as I got things done, the less I had on my mind.

It works both ways

The thing to realise here is that we can change our mind and it will change our space, but we can also change our space and it can change our mind.

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