Powerful Life Lessons
Q30: Glass Half Full Or Empty | The Power To Change Your World!

Are you focusing on what you have or what’s missing?


Now this is the typical glass half empty or glass half full situation.

But why is it important?

It’s important because it’s useful to be aware of how we see the world, because how we see the world determines how we feel, what we think, and how we behave.

We think that we live in the world, but actually, how we SEE the world IS the world we live in.

It’s how the world appears to us.

And in this case, is it a world where we see and appreciate what we have, or is it a world where we see what’s missing?

My Garden

The other day I was in my garden and by all rights it’s a large and beautiful space, but this was not what I saw, this was not my experience.

What I saw was the all the things that needed to be done… fix the fence, paint the deck, that border needs more plants, there’s a bare wall that should be covered, the list went on and on…

And I felt down and despondent.

Strange, right, as I sat in a beautiful garden to feel this way?

But understandable when you consider that I wasn’t in that world, I was in a world where things were wrong, where things were missing and not right.

The Takeaway

So, what’s the takeaway here?

Just for you to be aware.

Firstly, be aware that it’s not the world that we live in, but the world we choose to see is the world we live in and experience.

Then, be aware of how you’re seeing the world and how that has you feel and react.

And lastly, remember that at any time you can choose to change what you focus on…

And this can change the whole world… for you!

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