Powerful Life Lessions
Q31: Discover Your Self Worth | What’s Your Genius?

Today, we’re going to discuss how to discover your self worth by understanding your unique value and contribution to the world.

What’s your genius?

Albert Einstein is quoted to have said…

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

I think most people can relate to this in some area of their life.

That feeling of being not as good as others, not as special, less than.

It’s a feeling that if left unchecked can eat away at our sense of self-worth.

What if you’re simply caught in an ugly duckling situation and don’t realise it?

The Ugly Duckling

The poor ugly duckling compared itself to the other ducks.

It didn’t look as it should, like them.

It didn’t swim like them, walk like them, or talk like them.

It was different and by all accounts not as good, less than.

Until one day it saw a bevy of swans and instantly recognised itself in them.

It was not an ugly duckling. It was a beautiful swan!

Don’t Compare

The moral of the story is that we must be very careful how we compare ourselves to others.

Once a negative thought takes hold and becomes a belief, it works like a filter where we only see things that support it, and things that don’t, get discounted.

It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It appears real and true to us.

You’re Unique Value

So, how do we see our unique, special, difference?

How do we see our genius?

Well, if you don?t know it already, you’ve probably missed it because it’s hidden in plain sight

And you’re so accustomed to it that you discount its value… your value.

There’s something that you can do, that you do so well, that comes naturally to you, that others can?t do in the same way you can.

With my clients, I call this Natural Talent.

Discover Your Natural Talent

You can find your genius, your natural talent, by considering what you absolutely love to do.

Think about those times when you’re doing something and you’re totally enjoying it.

What are you doing at these times?

Next, think about times when you’re performing well.

Think about things you do that come easy to you and you do them well, naturally.

What are you doing at these times?

Your genius, your natural talent, is found at the intersection of Performance and Enjoyment!

Look at the things that you do well AND really enjoy doing and you will find your genius… what you were made to do… what you do that makes you, you… what makes you special… your unique gift to the world… the thing that is valuable and gives you value and worth.

Your Self-Worth

When you discover your genius, you discover your self-worth.

When you discover your genius you no longer compare yourself unfavourably to others.

You have your talent and they have theirs.

We are each unique, special and valuable in our own way.

So, once and for all, you can realise, you’re not an ugly duckling, you are a beautiful swan!

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